Saturday, April 08, 2006

My kiss to her

I watched them.

I watched them as they left the bakery, where they stared at the cake they were to eat as a married couple.

I watched them leave arm in arm, walking to their home.

I watched Ellyenna look at her....Kileadan.

I watched Ellyenna.

I decided that I wanted Ellyenna. I could give her more than this woman she loved.

I watched them sneak away to a dark corner, to sneak a kiss or two.

It was my chance, and I took it.

I gave Ellyenna my kiss, as she screamed, crying out for her lover.

Kileadan grabbed me, but to no avail. I simply turned around, smiled at her, and threw her halfway down the alley.

Ellyenna's last scream caught someone's attention, and, I was forced to flee.

In my greed, I did not realize that this would be the beginning of my end.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Her lover comes for her....and for me

The name of the beloved that I have stolen is Ellyenna.

Her lover comes for her, and for me.

Her lover desires Ellyenna's body, mind and love.

They were to be vowed to one another seven days ago.

But eight nights ago, I changed that.

I too desire the same things that Ellyenna's lover desires.

But her lover seeks my blood on her hands.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


My name is Semsydwe.

Through history, I have been known by many names, all of which shall be revealed to you in good time.

But now, I feel the long chilled hand of Death reaching out to me, me who has always slipped out of its grasp ever so easily.

I have taken a beloved that is not mine, and, I am now hunted.